CLASS Advocates

C.L.A.S.S. AdvocatesC.L.A.S.S. Advocate (CA) Program

C.L.A.S.S. is the acronym for Continuing the Legacy of African-American Student Success. As live-in members of the residence hall student staff, C.L.A.S.S. Advocates (CAs) fulfill a crucial role in enriching the experience of residents in the community through assistance to African-American students, communication with all staff and students, and participation in continuing efforts to educate and address the needs of all students in the residence hall communities.

Purpose: To aid in the retention and academic success of African American students who reside in University Housing while building a more inclusive campus community

Sponsor: University Housing / Student Affairs

EL Area: Leadership

CAs collaborate with residents who are interested in diversity, inclusion, and social justice as they increase multicultural understanding among all students on campus.  CAs are supervised and mentored by Residence Hall Directors. CAs work closely with a team of students and staff who help to develop transferrable skills that will guide them toward any career field.

Becky Bury

“The CA program holds a legacy of greatness and helps shape the next generation of Bulldogs by supporting their personal and academic growth. The program is truly impactful for the CAs and the students they serve. The staff gain invaluable leadership skills to further their goals, while the students they serve gain an advocate and mentor"

- Becky Bury,  

Assistant Director for Academic Initiatives and Student Leadership