Process to have Courses and Non-credit Activities Included in School / College Experiential Learning Plans

Existing Courses

Experiential Learning Information on Existing Courses Tutorial from UGA Registrars Office

  • Departments / colleges identify courses that they would like to include in the EL plan for their school / college
  • Using the CAPA system, department enters information / justification (why course should satisfy EL requirement) in the EL tab on the course application and then approves and submits courses to school / college level
    • Login to the CAPA system
    • Select the ”Create or Change a Course” link
    • Select your Unit and your Role within the Unit
    • Select “Begin a New Course Proposal” from the “Task” dropdown:
    • Enter the relevant new course information as needed (Course Prefix, Number, Cross-Listed Prefix, etc.), and select ”Validate New Course ID”
    • Input required information in the “Course Info”, “Equivalent Courses”, “Pre / Coreq”, and “Primary Delivery” tabs as needed for the course.
    • Navigate to the ”Syllabus” at the top of the page
    • Enter Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes for the course in the relevant “Proposed” section of the “Syllabus” page.
    • Use the “+” button below each text box to make a new text box for additional Objective / Outcomes. Without these Objectives / Outcomes listed, the IC tab will not populate correctly
    • Navigate to the top of the New Course Proposal Page, and select the “EL” tab. Select the EL area and then complete all required items.
    • Save the New Course Proposal for later editing, or submit the New Course Proposal along in the normal approval workflow for further review
  • The course change application (with EL justification) is routed through the CAPA approval process to the school / college dean’s office staff and curriculum committee for approval
  • EL subcommittee will meet and consider requests as they are received
  • Upon approval, courses will be added to the EL plan for the school / college
New Courses

Experiential Learning Information on New Courses Tutorial from UGA Registrars Office

  • Departments develop new courses that they would like to include in the EL plan for the school / college and propose a new course application in the CAPA system
    • Login to the CAPA system
    • Select the ”Create or Change a Course” link
    • Select your Unit and your Role within the Unit
    • Select “Begin a New Course Proposal” from the “Task” dropdown:
    • Enter the relevant new course information as needed (Course Prefix, Number, Cross-Listed Prefix, etc.), and select ”Validate New Course ID”
    • Input required information in the “Course Info”, “Equivalent Courses”, “Pre/Coreq”, and “Primary Delivery” tabs as needed for the course.
    • Navigate to the ”Syllabus” at the top of the page
    • Enter Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes for the course in the relevant “Proposed” section of the “Syllabus” page.
    • Use the “+” button below each text box to make a new text box for additional Objective / Outcomes. Without these Objectives / Outcomes listed, the IC tab will not populate correctly
    • Navigate to the top of the New Course Proposal Page, and select the “EL” tab. Select the EL area and then complete all required items.
    • Save the New Course Proposal for later editing, or submit the New Course
  • Proposal along in the normal approval workflow for further review
  • Department approves and submits courses to school / college level using the CAPA system
  • The new course application (with EL justification) is routed through the CAPA approval process to the school / college dean’s office staff and curriculum committee for approval
  • School / college approved and submits courses to UCC using the CAPA system
  • If approved by the subcommittee, the EL approval will be noted on the course when the new course is approved
  • New courses are simultaneously submitted to the UCC for consideration
  • If approved by the UCC, new course proposals will be submitted to the Provost for consideration
  • If approved by the Provost, courses will be added to the EL plan for the school / college (after final approval in CAPA)
Non-Credit Activities

Non-credit activities that will satisfy the EL requirement for a school / college require school / college approval. Please view the toolkit for some helpful tips and examples.

Non-credit activity proposals should be submitted at least three weeks prior to the University Curriculum Experiential Learning subcommittee meeting to allow adequate time for review and recommendations.

Non-credit activity proposals should indicate how the activity helps students achieve the learning outcomes as identified in the selected area of experiential learning (Creative, Global, Internship, Leadership, Research, or Service). Contact [email protected] for an example of a non-credit proposal.

Non-credit activity proposals should be submitted to the appropriate curriculum committee or other college faculty governance body, and then to the dean’s office. After consideration and approval by the school / college dean, please contact the Office of Experiential Learning to get a link to add the proposal to Engage. A memo stating dean or unit director approval for the proposal should be sent to the OEL before review. The EL Office will review the proposal for completeness and alignment with EL learning outcomes, and forward it to the EL subcommittee of the UCC for consideration. As with EL courses, non-credit activities approved for EL will be presented to the UCC as information items and added to the EL plan for the school / college.

To receive a proposal link for non-credit activities, contact the Office of Experiential Learning at [email protected].

Find & Fund Your Experience

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