House Panther

Lucifer the catFull name and titles: Lucifer

Human: Kay Stanton

Breed: Domestic short-hair, panther style


  • Void
  • Big girl
  • Funny Noise Queen

Also answers to:

  • Luci/Lucy
  • Lucy Loo
  • Lucille

Theme song:Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Bio: Luci is the four-year old litter-mate of Chip. She is a LORGE and will knock the breath out of a medium sized human if she jumps on their chest in bed. When she was a kitten we thought she was staring into our souls, but then we realized that she is a very big doofus and Lucifer was an unfitting name.

Luci has a weird meow.

Her favorite things are ear skitches and hanging out on the catio looking at birds. She will bip you in the face if you stop skritching her ears before she is ready.

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