Special Baby
Full name and titles: Chip
Human: Kay Stanton
Breed: Domestic short-hair, bob-tail style
- basketball-shaped
- WalnutBrain
- Pope’s nose
Also answers to:
- Chip-Chip
- Boogers
- Guvner/Goober
- Potato/Potato Chip
- Special Baby
Theme song: “Serenade to a Poodle”
Bio: Chip is the four-year old litter-mate of Luci. She is a tiny thing -the runt of the litter – and has the tiniest little nubbin of a tail (aka pope’s nose). She will scream for catnip and will rip your arm off to get it. Don’t be deceived by her size. Despite that, she is a little lover (of warmth, if not other beings) and wants nothing more than to be in your lap or ride on your shoulders. She will settle for lying next to the vent when the heat is on.