(L-R) UGA students Jack Giglio, Buhusuru Ranasinghe, Lee Tran, Jessica Tardy, and Elizabeth Quilliams greet owner and founder Arthur Blank of the Blank Family of Businesses at the Innovation Hub.Undergraduate and graduate students from any discipline who have successfully completed the IDEA 4000/6000 Innovation and Catalyst Design course may apply to become Fellows leading up to the start of the Fall, Spring, and Maymester / Summer semesters.

The SIFP Application and Selection Process: This highly competitive selection process considers academic achievement, demonstrated work ethic, performance in IDEA 4000/6000, and personal motivation to pursue opportunities in the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem at the University of Georgia.

  • Prospective Fellows will submit a resume, a recommendation letter, and a cover letter in PDF format outlining interest in the program to [email protected] by the following deadlines:
    • Fellows Beginning in Fall – April 1
    • Fellows Beginning in Spring – November 1
  • Selected semi-finalists will be invited to participate in a formal interview with the Program Instructor.
  • Finalists will be offered Fellow positions and receive funding each semester in which they enroll in the IDEA 4020/6020 course.
  • Fellows will be placed into Design Teams of generally 3-5 students and will typically complete two projects each semester.

*Selected Fellows are encouraged to actively participate for a minimum of two semesters and meet all expectations of the SIFP in order to retain their funding, including enrollment in the IDEA 4020/6020 course.

Opportunities and Benefits

SIFP is a wholistic Executive Development Program that provides tangible benefits.

  • Innovation Competencies: Fellows are equipped with human-centered design methodologies and mindsets with a focus on empathy, problem solving, ideation, prototyping, pitching, and asset production.
  • Multidisciplinary Project Based Learning: Fellows complete two real-world projects each semester as part of a multidisciplinary team.
  • Networking: Fellows build personal relationships amongst other Fellows, Project Sponsors, and Innovation District Faculty and Staff.
  • Formal Executive Development: Fellows engage in a personalized executive development plan focused on enhancing leadership, interpersonal skills and management styles.
  • Career Advancement: Fellows receive privileged access to events, thought leaders, and trainings that will shape their future.
  • Scholarships: In addition to the $1,000 Fellow Semester Scholarship, Fellows have access to funding reserved for the SIFP program to support their engagement on select innovation-themed experiences.

Find & Fund Your Experience

Find approved activities that the Office of Experiential Learning offers for experiential learning credit and scholarship opportunities.

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